In Reiki Xamânico, also known as Shamanic Reiki, shamanic principles and practises are included into the standard Reiki practise. Shamanic Reiki practitioners incorporate shamanic skills including travelling, soul retrieval, and dealing with spirit guides and power animals with the energy healing methods of Reiki.
Shamanic Reiki recognises the interconnectedness of all things in the universe and the ongoing flow of energy through and around us. Shamanic Reiki practitioners seek to encourage profound healing and transformation on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels by combining the healing energy of Reiki and the knowledge of shamanic practises.
Shamanic Reiki uses a variety of methods, depending on the practitioner and their level of training, but it typically combines energy healing, meditation, visualisation, and shamanic travelling. I advise finding a certified and experienced practitioner in your region if you’re interested in finding out more about Shamanic Reiki or getting a session.