Reiki What To Expect

It makes sense to have questions about what to anticipate during a session if you are new to Reiki. The following are some things you could encounter in a regular Reiki session:

1. Deep relaxation: Reiki is frequently reported as being incredibly calming. You can experience serenity and tranquillity during a session while the practitioner attempts to regulate the energy flow in your body.

2. Light touch or no touch: The practitioner may use a light touch or work with their hands just above your body, depending on their style and training. Either technique is acceptable when using reiki.

3. Sensations: During a Reiki session, your body may experience warmth, tingling, or other sensations. This is a typical step in the process of harmonising your energy.
4. Emotional release: As energy barriers are cleared and previously repressed emotions surface, Reiki can occasionally cause an emotional release.

5. Insights: During a Reiki treatment, some people claim to acquire clarity or insights. You might learn more about your feelings and thoughts as a result.

6. Enhanced energy flow: Many people say they feel more energised and balanced following a Reiki treatment. The natural healing processes of the body can be supported by reiki, which also encourages overall wellness.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that each person’s experience with Reiki is distinct, so yours can vary from theirs. The most crucial aspect of the practise is to approach it with an open mind, allow yourself to completely relax, and reap its benefits.

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