Both reiki and yoga are holistic disciplines that seek to advance health, harmony, and wellbeing. Despite being separate practises, they can work well together and be used in practise.
Reiki is a healing method that uses energy transmission from the practitioner to the patient to encourage calmness and balance. Reiki can be practised alongside other therapeutic methods like yoga to address physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances.
In order to improve physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual awareness, yoga is a physical and spiritual practise that blends movement, breathwork, and meditation. Yoga can aid in lowering stress, increasing flexibility, and boosting vitality.
When practised together, reiki and yoga can help to maximise the advantages of each. Yoga can serve to prepare the body and mind for Reiki treatment, while Reiki can be used to encourage relaxation and balance when practising yoga. In order to enhance relaxation and encourage healing during savasana, the ultimate relaxation pose in yoga, some practitioners may employ Reiki.
Additionally, some particular yoga positions are said to support Reiki practise and support chakra (body energy centre) balance. There are seated forward bends for the root chakra, standing shoulder stands for the throat chakra, twists for the solar plexus chakra, heart openers for the heart chakra, hip openers for the sacral chakra, and forward bends for the root chakra.